Monday, 15 September 2008

a year on

Nearly a full year from completion and we've settled into the extension quite comprehensively. In fact, I don't think we can remember how we lived without the added space. The yellow-ness (if that's a term) has faded from the timber and a silver grey patina is setting in. No, we've not painted the windows yet...or the roof...but, you know, we've been, uh, busy...

While last year was pretty much only about the building project, this year we have focused on the garden. Beds were added, potatoes dug in, trees were planted. The results of this hard work (mostly D's) have been enjoyable. Spuds, raspberries, strawberries, carrots, blackcurrents and yes, apples!


dencan said...

Gardens look fantastic!!! Great work Daisy and Calum ...and Mark. I am sure Isaac put in a handful too.

The Architect said...

Glad to see you back in the blogosphere. Even if it's only for the end of the defects liabilities.
One finds it hard to believe that strawberries can ripen at those latitudes. Unless you are reinforcing that old British myth (about the gulf stream warming the western coasts) with a punnet from Sainsburys delicately attached to a few twigs in the back yard.
How about something a bit more local? Try growing some porridge or maybe a little enclosure for a few home raised haggis.

All the best from The Architect seeking the courage to order the scaffolding.