Upon our return, decisions had to be made (quickly!!) regarding things that are soon required (lights, paint, doors) and panic ordering ensued.

[Begin rant...]
This shower has caused problems from the start: it took forever to arrive, came flat packed instead of assembled (so the large, inconvenient, gaping hole left in the external wall to accomodate it's delivery was utterly unnecessary), has large gaps at the top so a homemade lid is required to keep water getting between the shower and the wall, and, as mentioned before, came with the wrong back panel. The latter of these was not really a problem as, according to the manufacturer, the panel provided could be drilled. Imagine our suprise when this supposedly drillable panel shattered into a million pieces once drilling commenced! Ahhhggg! Our poor plumber will be having nightmares of showering in glass for weeks. Not to mention the endless guilt he feels at having halted our project dead in its tracks and leaving us to sleep in the same room as a very greedy 7-month old who wakes hourly to make sure the all-night breakfast buffet is still sleeping next to him for an additional week or two (really S., it wasn't your fault...).
[...rant complete]
We love our shower and look forward to spending the first hour of every morning wallowing in this marvel of 20th century technology and celebrate its long anticipated arrival into our home. We have no regrets. However...it's been a complete pain in the #*%.
But I suppose that is to be expected in The Land of the Bath.
An apparently drillable panel (according to the manufacturer) has been ordered and is now eagerly awaited. Once the panel is installed, the shower and the last bit of plumbing can be completed, the last piece of plasterboard can be hung, taped and filled, and then the painting will commence. Followed by installation of the flooring, skirting boards, window sills, doors and facings, a bit more painting and then final fix of the electrics (plates & fixtures), et voila!
Fini. (typed with fingers crossed, touching wood, tossing salt over shoulders, turning three times to the left, and performing any other superstitious jinx avoiding gesticulations one can think of)

Now that's progress...
Please tell me you didn't have to pay for the "apparently drillable panel?" Also, is the bar on the sink for Isaac to do pull ups on in order to catch up with Calum?
Sorry, to hear about all the kinks in your project. And to answer your question on our blog, yes Ava has a little red in her hair. It is getting lighter and thicker everyday. We can't wait to see you all at Christmas!!!!!! Keep those fingers crossed that everything with your new expansion goes well!!!
Yours looks very much at the same stage as ours. Though you seem to have very tidy builders.
Are you guys doing the decorating?
Pat: No, we did not have to pay for the panel, but as you can see, there is still a cost.
Brie: Can't wait to meet the wee bairn! In spite of my ramblings above, on the whole, the project has gone smoothly. Aside from the septic tank and shower episodes we really have very little to complain about.
We're bringing someone in to do the painting. Otherwise it would never get done!
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