Sunday, 22 July 2007

site agent's diary

The three year old likes the window height...

Its 'perfect'.

He also reckons that his tipper truck operator's license is not too far off.

Friday, 20 July 2007

wooley thinking

A mountain of sheep's wool insulation has arrived.

It works for many of the locals...

so why not us?


Over the course of the last week quit
e a bit has happened.

The sarking has been put across the trusses, the roof paper's been tacked on, battens & purlins have been fixed, and the 'wrinkly tin' is being fit.

A bit of earthmoving has also been achieved along with the commissioning of the new septic tank. Yes, our waste has a new destination. It's still not completely covered up yet as a few bit and pieces have yet to arrive but our fearless plumber assures us that it's good to see if it works before we cover it up completely. Now to convince the three year old that he can't play in the big hole...

Friday, 13 July 2007


The trusses have arrived and been put into place.

The basic shape/size is now apparent.

Inside, the ceiling heights can now be imagined.

A bit of a lull as we wait for the digger to return and backfill. Maybe then our garden will look less like the Somme.

Monday, 2 July 2007

framed view

The kit's up and it's starting to take shape.